
Ours is an ancient and glorious civilization and culture built on the knowledge and understanding of nature and the universe.

Our ancestors were primarily interested in learning how to coexist with the entire creation in peace and how to maximize human potential. Everyone has 24 hours in a day but how your life shapes up is dependent on what you do in those 24 hours. 

Activities from past workshops

With these activities, we wish to provide your children with a cultural immersion that will create a longing in them to explore more about our culture and traditions so that it lives on

Note: The content and format of workshops are subject to change.

Stories from The Indian Classics

Stories fascinate the human mind and imagination. Our ancestors left us their wisdom and key cultural lessons in the form of thousands of beautiful stories. Telling these stories to children is essential for civilizational continuity.

Appreciation of संस्कृत

Sanskrit or Samskrutam is a divine language that has captured and organized the entire gamut of celestial, cosmic sounds into a highly structured language. Just the act of speaking Sanskrit or chanting Sanskrit shlokas can heal you. It is indeed the very gateway to ancient India and the highest Indian thought.

Learning the Language of Dance

Indian classical dances (there are 8 of them) are all based on the Natyashastra, an ancient Indian treatise on the subject of dance. Indian classical dance is another gateway to the essence of Indian culture. To be a cultural Indian who appreciates and enjoys Indian classical dance, it is essential to learn the hasta mudras.


Almost everything that you see in the world was first conceived in someone’s imagination. The ability to imagine is the most powerful faculty of the human mind. Unfortunately, modern education and lifestyle doesn’t do much to develop this imagination. Imaginarium is a game that fully engages the power of imagination of kids.

Yoga, Meditation, Mantra Chanting, Sadhana

We are essentially a nation of spiritual seekers and sadhakas from ancient times. We have gifted the world many methods and practices that help a seeker on his spiritual journey. Spirituality is thus an essential part of Bharatiya culture.

Appreciation of Music

Children need to be exposed to Indian classical music from the very beginning. Indian classical music brings a meditative state of calm and quiet in the listener. If children can listen to certain selected morning ragas for about 15 minutes at least, they can have a fabulous start to their day.


Theater is a great tool for learning and teaching and this subject has been covered extensively in the Natyashastra. At Sanskritishaala we have developed unique ways of using theater to teach Indian culture to kids.


Rangavalli is a type of Rangoli that is characterized by its symmetrical and geometric patterns. It is believed to have originated in the Dravidian region of India, and it is still practiced today in many parts of the country. Rangavalli is often used to decorate the entrances of homes and temples, and it is also used to celebrate special occasions such as weddings and festivals. Children love learning how to draw Rangavalli.

Healthy Food for Healthy Kids: Do’s and Don’ts

Our ancients studied every aspect of life including food and based on their discoveries they developed some elaborate codes for cooking and consuming food. Over centuries of colonization this art and science was lost or distorted. It is time to educate children about healthy food habits so they can follow a healthy lifestyle.

Traditional Indian Games

India being a very ancient country has given birth to lots of games that have over the time become less popular or completely replaced by western games and video games. It is time to rediscover the joy of playing Indian traditional games.

Culture Q & A

This is a great way to learn a lot about Indian culture in a very short time and in a very fun and entertaining way – especially if it involves winning prizes!

Activity Gallery

Here we present some pictures from our past workshops.